How do I manage CALPADS EOY 1 Course Completion Data in PowerSchool?

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EOY 1 is the End of Year CALPADS reports that are focused on Course Completion and Career Technical Education (CTE) Reporting.  For the purposes of this article, we will ignore the CTE reporting portion of the EOY 1 report and focus only on Course Completion.  Note: CTE Reporting generally is covered through the course setup process in Step 2 below, and using appropriate CTE state course codes.

Course Completion

Who does this apply to?

  • Grades 7-12 with departmentalized courses

Good News!  This only applies to students that take departmentalized courses in grades 7-12. So any schools or grades that only offer self-contained courses are exempt from updating CALPADS.  However, the LEA is required to certify EOY 1 reports, even if they are blank/include all zeroes. 

Step 1:  Update Staff Demographics

One nice thing about updating staff demographics is that the fields are the same as in the CALPADS Fall 2 report so if your school did not have any turnover of teachers, there is no work to do.  If there were new teachers, then there isn’t much more to do.

STEP 1a:  Staff Ethnicity/Race (All staff)

First, from the home page you must select your staff member that you wish to check/update:

Once a staff member is selected, click on “Information on the left side of the page:

Click on the correct answers to the questions of the staff member’s Ethnicity and Race and submit.  (ALL OTHER FIELDS CAN BE IGNORED FOR NOW)

STEP 1b:  Core Staff Demographics (All staff)

Near the bottom of the Staff Information Page, you will find an option for “CALPADS Staff Demographics” under “CALPADS and CBEDS-ORA Information.”  Click this.

On this page, you will be prompted to complete the following information.

  • School Full-Time Equivalency
    • Leave blank for 100%.  If you have a part time staff, you can define that correct percentage in the Staff Assignments and not in this particular field.
  • Exclude from State Reporting
    • Should be left “Blank”
  • SEID
    • Use the CTC Credential Search Service to look up this number. Each school should have access to the database that will allow the school to lookup the SEID number using the staff member’s Social Security Number. Send an e-mail to the CTC Information Services Unit at to request a User ID and Password.

SEID: For a teacher who meets the following criteria, according to the CALPADS User Manual. An SEID of 9999999999 may be used.

  • College professors with no K-12 credentials
  • Courses identified as college courses in CALPADS will not generate an exception
  • Contracted employees (COE, other districts, ROC/Ps, outside agencies) This will generate an exception, LEAs must provide evidence that educator holds appropriate credential and authorizations in CalSAAS
  • Local Staff ID*
    • You can ignore this field
  • Legal Name
    • Required. Middle Initial not required
  • Alias/Formal Name
    • Optional
  • Date of Birth
    • Optional
  • Preferred Gender
    • Required
  • Legal Gender
    • Optional. Only needed if Preferred Gender differs
  • Highest Degree Code
    • Required
  • Employment Status
    • Required. For charter schools, this is most likely set to “(4) Other”
  • Employment Start Date
    • Required. This is the start date for the school.  Therefore, it can exist for previous years.
  • Employment End Date
    • Required. Only if a staff member has left.
  • Total Years in this LEA
    • Required.  This field should be incrementally increased every year.
  • Total Years of Educational Service
    • Required.  This field should be incrementally increased every year.

Step 2:  Update Course Information

If new courses are being offered that were not offered on the Fall Census Date, their course attributes must be setup in exactly the same way as they were for Fall 2.  For that reason, use the article How do I Manage CALPADS Course Data in PowerSchool?” to fill in the information required for all of the courses being offered in the latter half of the year that were not setup at the beginning of the year.

Step 3:  Store Grades for Departmentalized Courses

Before we can report completed courses:

1) The school year must be over and grades updated in PowerTeacher Gradebook, and

2) Grades must be stored to the historical grades table through the use of the function “Permanently Store Grades”

Warning:  Do NOT perform this step if you do not know what it means to Store Grades!  Please discuss this with your PS Administrator, or data team.

Final Note: Once these updates are made in PowerSchool, your SDEM, CRSC and SCSC reports may be run and uploaded to CALPADS.  There you may find validation errors to correct, or snapshot certification errors to resolve.

  • SDEM – Staff Demographics
  • CRSC – Course Section Records (EOY/Completion vs. Fall 2 Enrollment reports)
  • SCSC – Student Course Section Records (EOY/Completion vs. Fall 2 Enrollment reports)
  • *SCTE – Student Career Technical Education Records (for grades 9-12 who are CTE Completers or Concentrators only) Not covered in this article.
Updated on March 13, 2023
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