How do I export Student Data in PowerSchool using Quick Export?

To extract a list of student information into a tab delimited text file, we will follow a simple two step process:

  1. Select the students that you wish to export
  2. Use the Quick Export Function for the fields you wish to retrieve

Step 1: Select the students that you wish to export

Selecting students is easy. You can make this selection from the start page using queries or click on the groups that you wish to isolate. You can find out more about making student selections here (Beginner or Intermediate) Once you have the students selected, you will be able to see a pulldown menu to “Select a function for this group of students.” It is here that you can select “Quick Export.”

Step 2: Use the Quick Export Function for the fields you wish to export

Basic Student Data

If you want to extract a set of basic student data, you can try using the following code:


Basic Schedule Data

If you want to extract a set of basic scheduling data that includes Period Level Teacher Names(Such as homeroom), you can try using the following code:

^(*period_info;{period expression};teacher_name)
^(*period_info;{period expression};course_name)
^(*period_info;{period expression};room)

Advanced Data To Export

If you want to export more data, you can view all of the available fields by clicking on the “Fields” button at the bottom center of the page:

You will see a screen like this:

The fields available will vary by school but once you have identified the field that is relevant to you, just click on the text of the field and the name should appear in the text box.  Repeat this as many times as is necessary to capture all of your desired fields and press Submit.

Depending on your web browser being used, the raw data will be downloaded your computer and you will be given the option to save and open with another program such as your text editor or spreadsheet program.

Updated on January 18, 2024
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