Course data is reported to CALPADS in both Fall 2 and End of Year (EOY) 1 reporting periods. Fall 2 is specific to Census Day (first Wednesday in October) for grade levels TK to Grade 12, whereas EOY 1 is cumulative information for grades 7-12 in departmentalized courses.
Complete Course Section Information in Aeries
They are in fact, two separate sets of data located in your SIS under Scheduling Process > Master Schedule and Courses.
Some critical data elements live in the Course setup, while the majority of the state-required data lives in the section information that is housed in the Master Schedule screen.
**Please note this article describes manual updates only. Aeries Administrators may make mass updates which are not shown in the following steps.
Step 1: Courses
From the Home Page at your school > using the left panel menu > Click the “Scheduling Process” dropdown > then select Courses (to search for all active courses within the selected school).
The result of this search will be a list of courses that you may then edit or view. The California Specific Fields screen is the focal point for Fall 2 CALPADS reporting.
Step 2: Enter the California Specific Fields that apply to your school/grade levels.
The following required fields should be entered under the “California Specific Fields” tab within Courses the green highlights indicate what is reported to CALPADS.
Note: High Schools must complete UC/CSU Entrance information based on the established curriculum and use of State Course Code (aka CBEDS # in Aeries). The state course code determines whether or not the class meets these requirements, so choose very carefully.
Step 3: Courses / Master Schedule
From the Scheduling Process dropdown > select Master Schedule to enter the remaining state required information. Click the Change button (bottom of screen) to edit the course.
California State Report Information (Required for CALPADS)*
*(Source: CALPADS Code Sets)
- Step 1:
- Education Service (Required for course sections in which EL students are enrolled.)
- 1 – Primary Language Instruction and Designated and Integrated English Language Development (ELD) Instruction
- 2 – Designated ELD Instruction Only
- 3 – Integrated ELD Instruction Only
- 4 – Designated and Integrated ELD Instruction But Not Primary Language Instruction
- 5 – No EL Service
- 6 – Other English Learner Service
- Language of Instruction Code (Required if the Education Service Code is 1)
- Instructional Strategy Code (Required for courses that provide EL Services to students).
- 300 – Home and Hospital
- 700 – Special Education
- Education Service (Required for course sections in which EL students are enrolled.)
- Step 2:
- Fund Src: Education Program Funding Source Code (Required only for CA Partnership Academy Program Courses).
- Step 3a:
- CTE Provider Code (Only required if the course is a Career Technical Education (CTE) Course)
- 1 – Regional Occupational Center or Program (ROC/P)
- The Career Technical Education course is provided by the Regional Occupational Center or Program (ROC/P).
- 2 – District
- The Career Technical Education course is provided by the district.
- 1 – Regional Occupational Center or Program (ROC/P)
- CTE Provider Code (Only required if the course is a Career Technical Education (CTE) Course)
- Step 3b:
- High Quality CTE Course Indicator (If CTE state course code is used)
- Step 4a:
- Independent Study Indicator (If applicable)
- Distance/Online Learning Indicator (Optional)
- Yes / No
- Step 4b:
- Online Course Instruction Type Code
- 1. Instructor-led
- 2. Facilitated
- Learner sets the pace of their own instruction, facilitator monitors progress and may provide support.
- 3. Learner-led
- Learner sets the pace of their own instruction. Content and instruction are provided solely by the online application.
- Online Course Instruction Type Code
- Step 5a:
- Course Content Area Subcategory Code (If applicable; refer to valid code sets)
- Charter Non-Core, Non-College Prep Indicator (No longer required) REMOVE UPDATE SCREENSHOT
- AP/IB Course Code Cross Reference (If applicable)
- Step 5b:
- Middle School Core Setting Indicator (If CRS-Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range Code = MID)
- (Note: This field is visible between “Online Crs Instr. Type” and “Local Assign Option” if at a Middle School.)
- Local Assignment Option Code (If applicable)
- Middle School Core Setting Indicator (If CRS-Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range Code = MID)
- Click Save
Step 3: Review of Data before uploading to CALPADS.
Once you have completed all required fields for your courses, it is highly recommended that you run the CALPADS Extracts from Aeries for Fall 2 or EOY (CRSE/CRSC) to ensure information is listed as expected. The report is extracted as a .csv which is easily opened in Excel to look for missing fields and to review data updates.
The final step of the Fall 2 and the EOY process is running the Student Course Section Enrollments or Completion (SCSE/SCSC) reports.
If needed: You can locate how to update Staff data for CALPADS in Aeries.