EOY 3 is the End of Year CALPADS reports that are focused on Cumulative Enrollment, Student Behavioral Incidents, and Attendance. For the purposes of this article, we will cover maintaining student incident and discipline information in Aeries using the Assertive Discipline screen.
Creating Assertive Discipline Records
Step 1: Select a student who has committed a state-reportable offense.
Step 2: Navigate to the Assertive Discipline screen under the Guidance menu
Step 3: Select “Add New Discipline Record”
Step 4: Enter the state-reportable data
The state-reportable data can be found on the General tab, shown in green highlights. Any other data is for internal use only.
- Date of Incident
- Incident ID:
- This is a unique ID that can be as simple as a number that increases in value for each new incident. If two students are involved in the same incident, they should have the same incident ID. A single student is also capable of committing multiple offenses in the same incident.
- Violation(s): Choose one from the dropdown menu.
- Aeries aligns the data to the Ed Code, however, the state discipline offense codes will be exported for CALPADS.
- Weapon Type (If applicable)
- Instructional Support Indicator (Yes/No): Only required for students who are on an IEP/Special Education students.
Step 5: Select Removal to Interim Alt Setting
- Removal to Interim Alt Setting is for students on IEPs (Special Education students only).
- If a student is on an IEP, you are required to complete the Removal to Interim Alt Setting field in Aeries. This question is typically a no.
- An interim alternative setting, includes removal from the current school setting for a period of 45 days or less.
- In extreme cases where a student is moved to an Interim Alt Setting, indicate whether or not the student was removed by selecting one of the three options:
- by Hearing Officer
- by School Personnel
- No Removal
Step 6: Add New Administrative Action
Complete the Administrative Action screen with the following information:
- Administrative Action:
- Use Dropdown to select Suspension, In-House Suspension, Expulsion, or No Suspension or Expulsion (aka By Other Means).
- Days:
- Number of days the student will be absent or on in-house suspension due to the violation. (This includes zero days for those who did not earn a suspension.)
- Start Date / End Date:
- Although not state-reportable, this data will help the attendance clerk to validate the discipline and attendance alignment. Not to mention, it provides the specifics your administrative team will need.
- Authority:
- AKA Action Authority Code. This is required and the field uses the following code choices:
- 10-School or district personnel
- 20-Court Order
- 30-Hearing Officer
- 40-Local Governing Board
- AKA Action Authority Code. This is required and the field uses the following code choices:
Step 7: Review your work
Be sure to complete all fields highlighted in green! These are the state-specific fields that will be exported on the Student Incident Reports (SOFF, SINC, SIRS) and uploaded to CALPADS.
It is recommended that your CALPADS support person, or your database administrator run the End of Year Discipline and Attendance (STAS) reports randomly throughout the year to review for missing information and alignment with attendance.
CALPADS Discipline Resources
For more specific information regarding CALPADS Discipline, visit the CALPADS FAQs for End of Year reporting.
Reference the CALPADS User Manual, Data Guides, File Specifications and Code sets and scroll to “CALPADS Data Guide” and click the hyperlink for the most current Data Guide.