EOY 1 is the End of Year CALPADS reports that are focused on Course Completion and Career Technical Education (CTE) Reporting. For the purposes of this article, we will ignore the CTE reporting portion of the EOY 1 report and focus only on Course Completion.
Course Completion
What courses are required to be reported?
- Grades 7-12 with departmentalized courses
Good News! This only applies to students that take departmentalized courses in grades 7-12. So any schools or grades that only offer self-contained courses are exempt from updating CALPADS. However, the LEA is required to certify EOY 1 reports, even if they are blank/include all zeroes.
According to the CALPADS FAQs: Are course completion and CTE records required for K–8 schools?
No, K–8 schools are not required to submit course completion records. However, if students are taking any CTE courses at the school in a departmentalized setting, even if the school does not run a “formal” CTE program, those records should be reported to CALPADS for reporting to the U.S. Education Department for the Carl Perkins Program.
Step 1: Update Staff Demographics
One nice thing about updating staff demographics is that the fields are the same as in the CALPADS Fall 2 report so if your school did not have any turnover of teachers, there is no work to do. If there were new teachers, then there isn’t much more to do.
STEP 1a: Update Staff Demographics
To search for a staff member > from the Home Page > using the left menu bar > Click the School Info dropdown > then select Staff to get a list of staff members.

Step 1b: Search for Staff Members
This takes you to the “Staff Search” screen. Select the staff member that you wish to view/update by entering their last name or ID or scroll down and click “Add New Staff Member”.

Step 1c: Entering Key Staff Demographics
When you select the desired staff member, the screen should appear like the one below. It is here that you can start to enter in the key demographic data in the red squares. Green highlights indicate state-reportable fields.

On this page, you will be prompted to complete the Staff Demographic information.
Using the link to the CALPADS Code Sets, under “System Documentation” locate the “CALPADS Code Sets” and click to download the file.
- Legal Name
- Required, Middle Initial optional
- Local Staff ID*
- Required, typically auto assigned when the staff record is created.
- State (Educator) ID
- This number is issued by the CTC (http://www.ctc.ca.gov/). Each school should have access to the database that will allow the school to lookup the SEID number using the staff member’s Social Security Number and/or name. The web address to lookup this number is https://info.ctc.ca.gov/fmi/xsl/SEIDLookup/lookup.xsl and you can request a User ID and Password by sending an e-mail to the CTC Information Services Unit at: credentials@ctc.ca.gov
- For a teacher who meets the following criteria, according to the CALPADS User Manual. An SEID of 9999999999 may be used.
- College professors with no K-12 credentials
- Courses identified as college courses in CALPADS will not generate an exception
- Contracted employees (COE, other districts, ROC/Ps, outside agencies) This will generate an exception, LEAs must provide evidence that educator holds appropriate credential and authorizations in CalSAAS
- Gender
- Required
- Birthdate
- Required
- Total Years of Edu Service
- Required. This field should be incrementally increased every year.
- Hire Date
- This is the first day that the staff member was considered to be active as a staff member.
- Pos Stat (Position Status)
- Ed Lvl (Education Level)
- 1-Tenured
- 2-Probationary
- 3-Temporary
- 4-Other
- Previous Last, First, Middle Name (If applicable)
- Ethnicity
- This is a Y or N answer to the question: “Is this student Hispanic or Latino?”
- Race 1-5
- Use the CALPADS Code Set link above to view the race codes for the staff member
- Click Save
Step 2: Update Course Information
If new courses are being offered that were not offered on the Fall Census Date, their course attributes must be setup in exactly the same way as they were for Fall 2. For that reason, use the article “How do I Manage CALPADS Course Data in Aeries?” to fill in the information required for all of the courses being offered in the latter half of the year that were not setup at the beginning of the year.
Step 3: Store Grade for Departmentalized Courses
Before we can run the Course Section Completion (CRSC) and Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) records to report completed courses, grades must be populated and transferred to transcripts/historical records (HIS table).
Work with your counseling team and administrators to ensure grades are properly stored or transferred to HIS.
Step 4: Run CALPADS Reports, Review for Errors/Missing Data
Once the data is populated and reviewed from Steps 1-3 above, it is advisable to run the CALPADS reports and review them for missing data or errors before uploading to CALPADS.
Step 4a: Navigating to the CALPADS Extracts
From the Aeries Home Page, click on “Filter Pages” (search feature) and type in “CALPADS”. Then select “CALPADS Extracts”.

Select EOY from the left menu panel.

Step 4b: Select Create Course and Staff Files
If applicable, Create Career Technical Education File and the WBLR report.
- The CALPADS CTE report generates a list of students who are CTE Completers and Concentrators.
- The CALPADS WBLR report generates a list of students in grades 9-12 who completed Work-Based Learning Experiences such as: Internships or Apprenticeship programs, Job Corps, or Transition Work-based experiences.
- Reference FLASH 229 for more specifics.
Step 4c: Download and save files

Step 4d: Open the downloaded files
Convert them from a (.txt) tab delimited file to a spreadsheet (.xls) and review for missing data.
Navigate to the CALPADS File Specification (Forms) to view the column details/headings. Scroll to CALPADS file specs and click to download or utilize CALPADS Batch File templates found within the Help screen in CALPADS.
Step 5: Upload to CALPADS
Once the data is confirmed accurate in Aeries, communicate with the staff person who runs your reports that you are ready for an initial upload of the End of Year reports (EOY 1) to CALPADS.
Upon upload to CALPADS, use the Rejected Records to guide your team to make further updates in Aeries to clear the errors preventing an error-free upload to CALPADS. Repeat this process until you produce error-free uploads of the the End of Year reports.
Once successfully uploaded to CALPADS, snapshots may be reviewed for errors/missing data that may not have been caught initially in Step 4. If errors are noted, update Aeries, and repeat Step 5 until all data is accurate.
Note: These are full replacement files. Ensure the data is entered correctly and completely in Aeries, and run/upload/post files as often as needed to clear errors and update data.