When a new student enters your school, it is likely that your primary sources of information include the students cumulative file and enrollment documents. But what if you need historical information that is not included in those sources. In California, we can use the CALPADS system to retrieve this information for fast input into your school’s student information system.
You must have a CALPADS login in order to do this. If you do not have a CALPADS user name and password, see your CALPADS administrator for your school.
Step 1: Navigate to https://www.calpads.org/ and login

Step 2: There are two scenarios to get to English Learner Information
Scenario A: If you have the student’s SSID, navigate to State Reporting > Online Maintenance > Maintain Student Data
Enter the SSID and click Search:

Scenario B: If you DO NOT have the student’s SSID yet, navigate to SSID Enrollment
Click to “Search By Demographic/ Request SSID”, enter partial student information and click “Search”.

The Results List of students that appears below will help you to choose the correct student. (Pay close attention to name and birth date).

Scenario B: From the Results list: Select the correct student name that corresponds to your new student by clicking on the name. This will take you to the Student Detail screen.

Step 3: Scroll down to Student English Language Acquisition and click on the down arrow to view the English Language Acquisition Information

Here we will find some critical pieces of information:
- Reporting LEA
- This is the Local Education Agency reporting the ELA Status
- Acquisition Code
- This is the students’ history of ELA Status
- Status Date
- This is the date in which the student was assigned that status
- Proficiency Level (Only for RFEP)
- This is the indicator that flags a student as one that has scored a proficient or
advanced on the California English Language Arts Standards Test
for three cumulative years after being reclassified/redesignated as fluent
English proficient (RFEP).
- This is the indicator that flags a student as one that has scored a proficient or
- Primary Language Code
- This is the primary language of the student
- Correction Reason Code
- If a correction needs to be made to an ELA status. Enter the appropriate code here.
- Effective Start Date
- This is the Current ELA Status Start Date
- Academic Year ID
- This is the Academic Year in which the ELA status was assigned.
You now know how locate historical ELA information in CALPADS.