After the initial Incident entry has been entered if a data element was missed, the CALPADS state error reports will identify what is missing.
Depending on what data element is the issue, there are four Incident Elements to choose from.
- Action
- The “Action”, result or consequence for the Incident. i.e. In School Suspension
- Object
- The item used in the Incident. (If applicable)
- Behavior
- What happened in the Incident. i.e. Insubordination, illegal behavior.
- Attribute
- Encompasses a variety of data elements. i.e. Criminal Offense, Violence Related, Weapon.
Editing an existing Incident
Old Interface: From the Start Page > select Incident Management (Functions)
All incidents can be edited at the individual incident level.

New Interface: Start Page > People > Students > All Incidents

Locate the desired incident by entering the Incident ID in the search field. > click Apply.

In the search results > click the ID or Title hyperlink to open the Incident.

Adding to an existing Incident
Scroll to the bottom portion of the Incident > under Incident Builder > under Incident Elements > click the plus sign “+” to select the Incident Element to be added.

Then select the Incident Element to be added.
- Add Action
- Add Object
- Add Behavior
- Add Attribute
Adding a Behavior Incident Element
The following data elements can be found under Incident Elements “Add Behavior”.
Note: There must be one Primary Behavior selected.

Select the applicable Behavior > Add/Update Behavior.
Note: The Offender needs to have already been added under Participants. Then drag the Behavior (from Incident Elements) to (Participants) under the Offender.

Adding an Object Incident Element
Object codes are only required for select behaviors, typically on those involving a weapon. Find the most up-to-date CALPADS valid code sets documentation here:
The following data elements can be found under Incident Elements “Add Object”.

Use the dropdown arrow to select Weapon.

- Select the weapon used from the dropdown.
- Add in a description if applicable.
- Add in a quantity if applicable.
- Then click Add Object
Note: The Offender and Behavior need to have already been added under Participants. Then drag the Object (from Incident Elements) to (Participants) under the Behavior of the Offender.

Adding an Action Incident Element
After clicking “Add Action” you will see the following pop-up:

The boxes highlighted in red are required CALPADS fields.
- Select the applicable consequence (Action Code).
- Duration Code, select School Days to align with CALPADS.
- Actual Duration. Complete the duration of the action. (Ex. For a two day suspension enter 2.)
- Action Autority Code. The entity that executes the disciplinary action.
- Instructional Support Indicator. Required for all students.
- CALPADS documentation: “An indicator of whether or not a student is receiving instructional support (e.g., homework) from the local educational agency during an Incident Result action. A Y would indicate that the student is receiving instructional support; an N would indicate that the student is not receiving any instructional support (a total cessation of educational services).”
- CALPADS documentation: “For students with disabilities, instructionalsupport services include providing all services on the student’s IEP during the duration of his/her suspension regardless of the number of days. The services may be provided in the home; however, providing homework does not meet the definition of instructional support for students with disabilities.”
- View CALPADS documentation here.
- Removal to Interim Alternative Setting. Required for SpED students.
- CALPADS documentation: “This element is required for incidents in which a statutory offense was committed by a student with disabilities (SWD) and is to be populated only if a student was removed to an interim alternative setting for 45 days or less. If the student was removed to an interim alternative setting for 45 days or less for drug-, weapon-, or violence-related offenses, LEAs should indicate the reason for the student’s removal: (Removal by Hearing Officer), (Removal by School Personnel), (No Interim Removal)”
- Add/Update Action.
Note: The Offender and Behavior need to have already been added under Participants. Then drag the Action (from Incident Elements) to (Participants) under the Behavior of the Offender.

Editing Auto Populated Data Elements
The following data elements are auto populated while the Incident is being entered.
To edit this information > from the start page > select the student using Last Name or Local ID.

Once the student has been selected > use the left menu panel > select Demographics.

- Ethnicity – Is the student Hispanic or Latino?
- Race – What is the student’s race?
- Gender – What is the legal gender of the student?
Editing Participants
There are four possible types of participants: reporters, victims, offenders, witnesses. Multiple participants can be added to one incident.

You will see the following popup titled “Search for Student, Staff, or Other Participants”

Start typing the student’s name and PowerSchool will show student record matches for your selection. If a participant is not a current staff or student in PowerSchool, you can manually type his/her name after clicking the “Create Other” button on the bottom . In the example above, we are interested in a student with a last name(1) that we search in the entire database(2), selected (3), and added (4) as a participant in this incident.
Once selected, Participants can take one of four roles. Of these, only “Offender” is required for CALPADS but the other participation roles can be equally important for your school’s internal tracking. After you select a role, click “Add Participant Attributes”.

Common Mistakes
- Problem: An incident in PowerSchool Incident Manager is not pulling out onto your CALPADS reports.
- Possible Solution: Confirm that you have selected “CA State Reporting” as the Incident Type at the top of the incident screen.

- Problem: Incident Elements that you have added are not pulling out into CALPADS reports.
- Possible Solution: Ensure that the Incident Elements you have added are dragged over under the participant in the correct order. (Participant>Behavior>Action)

History Tracking
Created By: Who entered the Incident.
Created On: When the Incident was created.
Last Modified By: Who last modified the Incident.
Last Modified On: When the Incident was last modified.